My 5 year old asks where he was before he was born. My wife says that he was an angel in heaven. He asks if he met Jesus. My wife said sure.
My 8 year old asks the same question. I couldnt control myself. I told him he was with Thor in Heaven. He also had access to lightning bolts and the magic hammer.
Of course competition occurs with children at these ages. Once my 5 year old realized all he got to do was praise Jesus all the time he started considering that maybe he wasnt with Jesus that whole time.
How should I resolve this conflict?
Can you give this atheist father the best advice?
My five year old asks where does rain come from, so I tell him god is crying.
He asks why god is crying, and I tell him I don't know, but it's probably something you did.Can you give this atheist father the best advice?
Thats a really difficult one, only because he is five. The best thing you can do is talk to him about religion, tell him that there are all different kids and that they all believe in different things. Tell him that you and your wife do not have the same religion, tell him what each of you believe and let him decide.
Yea, sure, he isn't old enough to competently choose a religon, but its not like its concrete. Your son will eventually believe what he wants to believe. I also think that your wife should not try to override your beliefs with hers. You are his father and you ideals deserve to be instilled in him just as much as hers.
Oh and badtothebone79, you are a huge douche bag.
I think that you should NOT have told him about ';Thor in Heaven';, unless of course, you believe he was with Thor in Heaven. Again, your wife should not have told him ';Jesus in Heaven'; unless she believes he was with Jesus in Heaven.
Tell your children the truth. Mommy (Grandma/Uncle Joe/Whoever) believes that there is a Heaven and a Jesus and he sent you to us. Daddy does not believe this and explain whatever it is you believe.
Isn't this something you and your wife should have worked out before you reproduced?
ONE of the worst things a man can do in this world is to corrupt the mind of a child against the most high God.
It would be better for the man if he had never been born.
I suggest you listen to your wife.
For it is written that even before the creation of the world and all that is in it, God knew us.
We all know the truth, what must be done.
You must explain the truth! That the Universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his noodley appendage, only 300 years ago! That they are each blessed by such noodley goodness!
tell him the truth.
before he was born, he was in his mother...
and before that he was never in existence.
oh and dont forget to tell him that heaven is a fictional setting.
Both of you quit lying to your kids. The question both of them asked is nonsense, and that's what they should hear.
Tell a good place. Later, when He is old enough tell Him it's unknown and a mystery.
Thor isn't in Heaven, he's in Bilskirnir.
It's up to you and your wife really. If she wants to tell them they were in heavan than you both have to agree on that and tell both kids. Just tell the older one that you were joking and that yoru eight year old was with G*D and met his/her younger brother.
Kids can't understand the truth at these ages. Maybe when they are 13 to 15 they will have more understanding of the world and ask you questions about faith around that time where you need to be more spciffic. There are many books that talk about ';where I was before I was born.'; Some in the child section. Why don't you and your wife go to a book store or a library and see if any of those books would work for you. Than you can disscuss it together.
Oh Odin is the head of the Norse gods. Thor is one of his sons. Zuse is the one who uses lightning bults and Thor holds the magic hammer.
There was a time where I didn't belive in G*D or a higher power and I understand that to you, your wife might have been spinning a web of delightful lies for your young child but you both need to be on the same page and it's very hard to tease young kids. They take everything we say as the truth.
Good luck!!!!
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