Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stuck between 2 cousins?10 POINTS FOR BEST ADVICE?

There's this guy i know him for a while and i think he likes me lately he has been spending alot of time with me and just yesterday we had a party and so i was standing across from him with my friends and the whole time he was looking then blushing away from was very cute!! But then here's the other side....his cousin also likes me but none of them know that there cousin likes me....hes also a nice guy he always brings me flowers when ever he comes and his sister told me that he likes me...ALOT!!! And he's friends with my guy friend so he told my friend that i was very preety.But i dont know what to do i mean the problem is there both nice guy,and if they get to know that there other cousin likes the girl they like....God knows whats gonna happen.What should i do???Stuck between 2 cousins?10 POINTS FOR BEST ADVICE?
Who's the hottest, make your mind up and go for it.Stuck between 2 cousins?10 POINTS FOR BEST ADVICE?
What you need to do is decide which one will treat you better and will make you the happiest. That will be the one you need to persue and make sure the other one knows that you just want to be friends and nothing more.
Go with your heart if one of them gets mad at you just tell him that he will have to get over it that you like the other one and explain that you want to be freinds it just can't be anythig more..
follow your heart and be with the one that makes you the most happy... dont rely on materials like flowers and compliments go by what your heart is telling you...who will you be more happy with....and until you decide dont flirt too much with either one you dont wanna lead the one your not gunna be with on...but honest is the best whoever you have to break the news too be honest cause lies hurt so much worse....good luck but this is your decision

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