Sunday, August 22, 2010

Does he not like me?? 10 points to best advice ?

my neighbor has this really cute guy friend. i thought he liked me caus ehe asked me if i thought he was hot and he was always touching me and then my brother became friends with his younger brothers and they always are syaing im hot and asking me if ill do stuff with them. i think it is so gross i asked them if he liked me and they said that he thoguht i was hot and had big boobs but chunky so he won't date me it has really bothered me for the last month i know i am FAT. the other day they came back over again and they said that he had a gf now. what pisses me off is he thinks my slutty neighbor is hot when she is so ugly and smells like fish lmao lol im sorry im being mean D: did he have a interest in me he hangs out at my neighbors hous ealot this summer cause he moves in with him for 2 months he is kinda mean to me like he will throw stuff at me not hard but he calls me a ***** once playing around and once he asked if i was alesbien ?_? i added him on myspace and he hasnt even commented me back i said hey whats up happy bday and he didnt answer i commented his pic nd then i go so pissed and deleted it Does he not like me?? 10 points to best advice ?
He might not like you. Since he has a gf maybe he's trying to cover (?). Unfortunately I don't really know this person (and I;m glad cuz he seems rude [and I know someone like that]) so I don't know how his mind works. But based on the info. I don't think he likes you. =(

Now can you please help me:;鈥?/a>Does he not like me?? 10 points to best advice ?
From hearing your statement, I think the answer is ';he might not like you';. Why are you waisting time on 1 guy when in the whole world there are about 3323608139 males in the world. You should tell you self that there are 3323608138 more guys, i think there will be someone special from this population which will be better than him. Don't worry about him, have fun.
he is just a big jerk and i think u should just stop talking to him because if he likes u he will come to u and if he likes you he is not worth it..
I don't think he likes you yet, but he could potentially. Talk to him more, have him get to know you better.

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