Thursday, August 19, 2010

Game over--loss hope. 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

I had an interview today. There are 4 interviewers. This is my second face-to-face interview in my entire life. I tried to stay cool, but I was very nervous. I tried to smile during an interview, but the interviewers were very serious. This made me even more nervous. The first interviewer kept asking me--what are my experiences? What are my expereinces? What are my experiences? I am only 22 years old. I have little work experiences. I tried to be honest with them even though I looked very stupid.

Then, the second interviewer asked analystical questions such as what would you do in the situation? How do you come up with this plan? Agian, I didn't even know what he was talking about. This made me more nervous. The last 2 interviewers did not asked the questions. Thanks god!

I asked 5 questions. They seem to like my questions. I also get them my portfolio. An interviewer said, I have a good portfolio.

They said contact them if I have any questions..Game over--loss hope. 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
That's what interviewers do. They try to find out your confidence level. They probably have all they need to know about you in front of them but they still ask questions about your skills and experience. They do this just to check how confidently you answer even if you don't have a positive answer.

So the best thing to do in such situations is to respond confidently. What you should do is tell them that you don't have extensive professional experience, but you are young and energetic and willing to learn. They should get the feeling that you are a team player and a cooperative person.Game over--loss hope. 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
Don't worry too much. I have interviewed a lot of people, and most of the time we are just feeling the person out, to see if their personality would fit in with our office.

It sounds like they were asking you behavioral interview questions. I hated answering those myself. They try to have you put yourself in a situation and give an example of a time when you have done such and such. If you want to practice them, there are websites that will give you more examples of this type of question.

If you asked them questions, that is always a good sign. It shows that you are actually interested in the position.

They probably knew about your experience prior to you going in for the interview, if you filled out an application or a resume. So don't worry too much about that.

Send a thank-you note to the interviewers (that is proper etiquette) and then just hope. If they think you will fit in, then you will get the job. If not, you probably wouldn't have liked it anyway.
So they liked your portfolio, but all they said to you was ';contact them if you have any question';? Now before you jump to any conclusions, let me ask you a question. Were you a little nervous in the interview or overly nervous so much that they could see it? If you were just nervous that's okay, most interviewers expect you to be a little nervous. However, if you were so nervous that you didn't sound intelligent or articulate in your interview, or maybe you didn't sound sure of yourself then you may have blew it.

That closing statement (';contact us if you have any questions';) worries me a little. Why? Because they didn't say anything else -- like what was the next step in the hiring process, or they will contact you once they've made a final decision. Forgive me if they already told you these things, but based on what you've told us (me), sounds like they just wanted to get you out of there. I sincerely hope this is not the case. Goodluck. :-)

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