Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is This Fair? Should I Get A Lawyer? BEST ADVICE 10 PTS!!?

In Maryland, a new driver has to hold a provisional drivers license for 18 months without any traffic violations...Well Feb.16th, my provisional license was upgraded to a full license..And a month later I recieved a letter saying my provisional is going to be suspended for 30 days, starting in a week. I did get a speeding ticket before I was upgraded, but I hadn't gone to court until March 20th , after I already had my regular license...I dont think it makes sense, they gave me my license, than took it back and suspended my provisional...?? I'm requesting a hearing, but do you think I should get a lawyer? Does anyone else think this isnt fair, or am I missing something? Where can I find a cheap lawyer?Is This Fair? Should I Get A Lawyer? BEST ADVICE 10 PTS!!?
It sounds like your violation occurred before your provisional license was able to become a full license. It sounds to me like you have a timing issue and the persuite of this with an attorney would be a gross waste of money.

What day did you get the violation and what day was your license to become a full license? Answer those and you have your answer.Is This Fair? Should I Get A Lawyer? BEST ADVICE 10 PTS!!?
By the time a lawyer would begin to initiate any legal moves the 30 days will be long gone and you will be out atty. fees needlessly. I know it's a huge inconvenience, but I just don't see any sense in trying to fight this one. The courts will look at the date of the offense, not the court date.
dude... maryland sucks ... in missouri you get your permit when you turn 15... and you can drive with an adult in the car. then when you turn 16 you take a drivers test and get a license... you have no rules except i think now you cant be out between the hours of 1 am and 5 am unless its for school. and then when you turn 18 you get a full blown license... like i said... maryland sucks... my advice.. move to missouri... WE HAVE COWS TOO!
It doesn't sound fair to me! I would get a lawyer. Go to and you will be able to find contact information on attorneys in your area.
Is it fair?


Is life fair?

I think spending money on a lawyer is's being suspended for 30 days??
It's the date of the offense that matters.

The upgrade to a full license occurs with or without the traffic violation.
I think you should discuss your case with a lawyer, or maybe a parent. But you did receive the speeding ticket while you were holding a provisional drivers license. This cancels out anything else that happens in the future, including getting your real license.

You need to ask this question.

';Did they know I had a speeding ticket when they gave me my real license?';

If yes, then go to a lawyer, and present him/her case.

If no, then it's fair, because you violated the rules, and they were unaware of it until you went to court.

I hope I helped.
the court date doesnt matter honey, only when the offense was made. and if you made the offense with the provisional liscense, you have to pay for that offense even though i do think its harsh to suspend it for 30 days.
Well, it does seem unfair to me and I would definitely get a lawyer, but keep in mind that they might just simply say that by the time the speeding ticket went through the court system they had already upgraded you. I'm not sure though if that is something they can do by law. Again, I would talk to a lawyer.
You should definitely get a lawyer. Sorry to say, but what happened is logical. You were upgraded Feb 16th which was after you were ';charged'; with speeding, but before you were ';convicted';. MVA is within their rights by revolking your full license and suspending your provisional. Your best bets are a lawyer and a sympathetic judge. The lawyer won't be able to do or say anything you can't, but it will show the court that you understand the gravity of the situation (they will care about you taking this seriously...or at least appearing to take it seriously).
if you got the ticket during the time you were under the provisional license then they can revoke it. if not then you need to at least speak to the judge and bring any documentation you think necessary. if all else fails then contact and attorney.
This does not require a lawyer. Just go to the hearing and tell them the situation and I am sure they will work something out with you. I think a lawyer would be a waste of time and money in the case.
You got a ticket during the provisional period..

I can't see where you have a chance.. slow down..
The law doesn't apply to when you went to court it applies to when the traffic violation occured. If it occured before you got your driver's license then they are in the right. What you can do is appeal to the judge and ask for permission to drive on a restrtiction. Say if you have responsibilities that require a driver's license. Examples would be a job, a position in school that has before or after regular school hours, if you volunteer somewhere, something to that effect could help you to get a restricted license instead of suspended.
LAWYER!!! cheap one? i dunno..
Sorry to tell you this but it is what it is. You didn't go the entire time limit without getting a ticket, regardless of the fact that they sent you your new license before your time limit ended. You have to deal with this on your own. Getting a lawyer will only cost you money you don't need to spend. and believe me you will spend it. Get a lawyer to take care of your ticket or go on line and get it taken care of that way. The ticket and court costs will be expensive enough. Also look into the fact that you can get your ticket lowered to a non moving violation. You have to talk to the district Attorney about that. But in most cases you can get it reduced or go to traffic school. Sorry for the bad news and good luck
They go by the date of the violation, not the court date. Personally, I think you are wasting time and money getting an attorney (IF you can even find one to take your case). You will also be adding court costs.
Sounds fair to me,if you were found guilty on the charge March 20, that means you violated the terms of the probationary license before the period was over.

What is so hard to understand about that?

If you were found not guilty on 3/20, then no problem, attend the hearing and get it straightened out.

As for lawyers, you get what you pay for.

The time for a lawyer was at the 3/20 hearing :)
You should get a lawyer. A free one can be found below.
If the date on the ticket is before your provisional license upgraded then you have no case and no recourse.


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